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Abschlussbericht zum Reach Out-Projekt in englischer Sprache

Reach Out - Publication

Abschlusspublikation Reach Out-Projekt

Ärzte der Welt engagiert sich seit Dezember 2019 im Projekt „Reach Out“, finanziert von der Europäischen Kommission. Es wurde in Deutschland, Belgien und den Niederlanden – jeweils durch die ansässigen Ärzte der Welt-Sektionen – sowie in Serbien durch das Serbische Rote Kreuz umgesetzt. Die vorliegende Broschüre gibt einen Überblick aus allen vier Projektländern (in englischer Sprache).

Gender-based violence is a form of discrimination, a violation of human rights, and a public health issue. It can happen to anyone: women, girls, men, boys, and non-binary people. Survivors of gender-based violence face tremendous difficulties in reporting violence and accessing support services.

These constraints can be explicit, when access to services is dependent on immigration status, or implicit, such as language barriers and cultural biases. Therefore, migrant populations, who are already overexposed to gender-based violence, are less likely to report the violence they experienced and seek support.

Ärzte der Welt / Médecins du Monde has long-term experience in working with vulnerable groups who do not have access to support services. The REACH OUT—REActing to sexual and genderbased violence against migrants and refugees through Coordinated Help, advocacy and OUTreach actions—initiative is jointly implemented by Médecins du Monde Belgium, Médecins du Monde Germany, Médecins du Monde Netherlands, and the Red Cross of Šid, Serbia.

The project aims to empower migrant survivors of gender-based violence to access support services and exercise their human rights, notably by providing guidance and raising awareness about gender-based violence among institutions, governments, and civil society. This publication contributes to this goal by debunking preconceptions related to gender and migration.